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3x45 capsules

  • Proper thyroid function (selenium)
  • Control of hormonal activity (vitamin B6)
  • healthy hair, nails (selenium, zinc) and skin (biotin, zinc)
  • Reduction of tiredness and fatigue (iron, magnesium, vitamins: C, B6, B12, folic acid)
  • correct functioning of the immune system (zinc, selenium, iron, vitamins: C, D, B6, B12, folic acid)
  • normal mental functions (magnesium, vitamins: C, B6, B12, biotin - vitamin B7, folic acid)
  • Maintaining normal fertility and reproductive functions (zinc)
Thyroset supports the normal function of the thyroid and the endocrine system. It is designed to supplement typical vitamin and mineral deficiencies in people who need special care with their thyroid function (e.g., people with Hashimoto's disease or hypothyroidism). Remember that supplementation supports therapy but is not in itself a main therapeutic activity. Major deficiencies may require additional supplementation, which will be determined based on laboratory tests and medical consultations.


A specially developed oil capsule contains fat-soluble vitamins: D3, E and K2 MK-7, which are crucial for normal body function.


A carefully selected composition of the capsule supports the absorption of iron thanks to vitamin C. The absorption of selenium is promoted by the presence of vitamin E. Contains a methylated form of vitamin B12.


By supplying magnesium and zinc in a separate capsule, an undesirable interaction with selenium is avoided, so that the ingredients can be used better. Magnesium is combined with vitamin B6 and supports its absorption. Contains large amounts of biotin and methylated folic acid (Quatrefolic).


Thyroset supports the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system. It was developed to supplement the basic deficiencies of vitamins and minerals in people who require special care for the health of the thyroid gland (eg in people with Hashimoto's disease and hypothyroidism). Remember that supplementation supports, but is not the main therapeutic effect in itself. In the case of deeper deficiencies, it may be necessary to supplement them additionally, determined on the basis of laboratory tests and medical consultation.
Why are the minerals in Thyroset in the form of organic salts and chelates?

The bioavailability (bioavailability) of minerals depends primarily on the excipients that have been added to them. Minerals in the form of natural organic compounds provide many times better absorption of mineral ions than inorganic forms such as carbonates, sulphates or phosphates, which break down into stomach acids.

The body also best absorbs small protein molecules, which is why in the digestive system inorganic minerals are combined with amino acids. This process is called chelation. It is important not only for the absorption of minerals, but also protects our body against poisoning with heavy metals, which can be attached to a special protein and excreted from the body. Therefore, chelates protect the body against deficiencies, poisoning and too high concentrations of elements, especially those that are easy to overdose.\

Why is it so important to take methylated forms of vitamins?

Thyroset contains a methylated form of vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) and a methylated form of folic acid. These forms are characterized by good bioavailability, ie the degree of absorption by the body. The form of folic acid that is supplemented is extremely important. More and more often we hear about the presence of mutations in the MTHFR gene. People with a defect in the form of a mutation of the MTHFR gene may experience a disruption of many processes in the body's functioning, including proper detoxification. In addition, an organism with a mutated form (polymorphism) of the MTHFR gene often does not effectively create proteins and neurotransmitters, does not use antioxidants and does not properly excrete toxins. The consequences of these abnormalities are inflammation, blood clots, heart disease, birth defects and problems with getting pregnant. Importantly, in this situation, folic acid is not properly transformed, a similar problem concerns the conversion of vitamin B12. The excess folic acid is then deposited in its toxic form. In the case of future mothers, malabsorption of folic acid is associated with an increased risk of a neural tube defect or Down syndrome in the child. Therefore, women with a mutation in the MTHFR gene should not take regular folic acid but its methylated form (ie one that the body can absorb).



