This textbook, "Essentials of Operations Management" by Nigel Slack, Alistair Brandon-Jones, and Robert Johnston, is a valuable resource for students and professionals in the fields of management, business, economy, and industry. With a publication year of 2011 and 352 pages in paperback format, it covers important aspects of operations management, including the strategies, processes, and techniques involved in designing, producing, and delivering goods and services. The book is authored by experts in the field and published by Pearson Education The Limited, ensuring its reliability and relevance.

The book's aspects include language (English), item height (264mm), author (Nigel Slack, Alistair Brandon-Jones, Robert Johnston), publisher (Pearson Education The Limited), subject (Management, Business, Economy & Industry), item weight (664g), item width (195mm), format (Paperback), publication name (Essentials of Operations Management), type (Textbook), and number of pages (352 Pages). This resource is appropriate for those interested in adult learning and university-level coursework.