The Seagull M4 Spruce in Semi Gloss is without a doubt unique. The Merlin has been renamed the M4 for 2016. When we first had a shot on the prototype of this travel sized dulcimer type instrument we were blown away. Even a non musician could pick one of these up and get a tune from it. Buy online today from Fast UK delivery. Come and try one out in our Glasgow shop.

Seagull M4 Natural Spruce SG, another great invention from the Canadian brand

Seagull Guitars are built by Godin in Canada and the USA. They have a reputation for innovation and quality. The Seagull M4 Spruce SG stays true to that form. What a wonderful and unique instrument this is. It takes its inspiration from a dulcimer. The Merlin has been finely crafted in LaPatrie in Canada. It features a solid spruce top that both looks great and adds to the tone. Rock Maple has been utilised to create a nice satin neck and body. The four strings have been strung directly through the body. This makes it easy to re-string as well as adding sustain. The whole body and neck of the Seagull Merlin has been given a satin oil finish. This protects the wood, adding durability. The Seagull M4 Spruce SG has very compact dimensions. This makes it a great travel instrument.

Seagull M4 Merlin Series diatonic instrument

What is the Merlin Seagull M4 Spruce SG all about? Well it has four strings and is based around a diatonic scale. This is unlike a guitar which has a chromatic scale. What it means is that it makes it hard to play a bad note! Great for non musicians! In the hands of a dulcimer, folk or guitar player it offers some pretty interesting sounds that force you to think in a different way. It also makes the Seagull Merlin brilliant fun to play.

The Seagull M4 Spruce SG is a well though out bit of design. Unique and inspirational it is almost a must have for fans of acoustic instruments. It is fun for musicians and non players as well as being very well priced. A brilliant bit of design from Canada's premier acoustic builder. Genius!