ale Ghode Ki Naal (Black Horse Shoe) Iron Yantra Pack Of 1

As per Vastu experts, a black horseshoe ring protects against the adverse effects of planet Saturn. Moreover, a black horseshoe ring also protects against black magic, evil eye, robbery, hatred, envy, insomnia, and other negative energies

It keeps negativity away from the house Hang a Black horseshoe on your front door or you can keep it in your locker Just as a horseshoe protects the horse's feet, it also protects the house.

How do you hang horse shoes at home?

Some people hang it open-end down to share the luck with others, while others hang it open-end up to collect luck. You should hang the horseshoe on an interior wall or a barn wall or above an entry door outside as both a good luck charm and decor. It is believed that used horseshoes draw the most luck.

The front door or doorway of a house is a great location for hanging the horseshoe. It is usually hung outside the door as a protection symbol, but there are no disadvantages of displaying it inside the door. Some people also prefer keeping the horseshoe on a wall or a window.