Dr. Reckeweg R12 Calcification Drop can be helpful in the treatment of blood clotting issues, supporting the nervous system and hypersensitivity. It has Plumbum aceticum, which may help reduce hypertension and support brain functions. It also contains iodates, which can help to improve blood viscosity, support the thyroid glands, and relieve stiff muscles.

Key Ingredients:

Arnica, Aurum Chloratum, Barium Chloratum, Conium, Iodates, Glonoinum, Plumbum Aceticum

Key Benefits:

Dosage of  Dr. Reckeweg R12  

  • Generally 10-15 drops three times daily, in some water. In acute cases, in the beginning of the medication, 4-6 times daily. After improvement (taking 2-3 weeks) continue the medication for a longer period of time once or twice a day. 
  • During the medication the use of salt should be forbidden and only be allowed in small quantities after improvement has set in.  
  • 10-15 drops once a day for about 4-6 weeks is recommended, and should be repeated at intervals of one month. In apoplexy, frequent doses in the beginning, at the rate of 10-15 drops every 1-2 hours, then 4-6 times a day 10-15 drops.