
December 2, 1929

Poet Laureate Robert Bridges is on the cover.

Inside: Sinclair is free of all charges; Texas lynches a white man in Eastland. It took three tries; Duke of York is working on his stuttering; Russia's Bukharin falls from grace; ;  ; 

Folks, these issues are so hard to find in any condition. I wish that they were in better shape like our other listings, but maybe you can use them anyway.

Briton Haddon and Henry Luce's flagship magazine was the  foundation of the Luce Publishing Empire. Their gamble paid off

To see the flow of events please read listings beginning with January

We have most Time in stock from 1923 to present.  Let us know if you're looking for something special. Visit us at  millionmagazines.

    Over One Million Magazines in stock. In the trade since 1976. 

 Chosen Reflections/Million Magazines,

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