The Sunday Times Magazine 29 April 1973.

Women against the System: the politics of protest in Paris-five radical women. Delphine Seyrig, Melina Mercouri, Nguyen Thi Binh, Anne Wiazemsky, Simone De Bouvoir interviewed by Mo Teitelbaum; photographs by Eva Sereny. Page 28
Goodbye to all this: a survey of London buildings threatened by redevelopment, compiled by Christopher Booker and Candida Lycett-Green. Page 20 The Guiding Light: the paintings of the American artist Edward Hopper, assessed by Robert Melville; research by Roger Law. Plus a special offer to Sunday Times readers of a book of Hopper's work. Page 48 A view of Venice: the tourist trap without the tourists, photographed by Snowdon. Page 64 Discovering ancient Britain! The final part of our three-week series on pre-Norman Britain. The first Englishmen: Barry Cunliffe describes the life and environment of a farmer in Anglo-Saxon times. Illustration by Michael Leonard. Page 75 Sites of the Dark Ages: map and tourist guide to Britain between the Roman withdrawal and the Norman conquest. Map by Ivan and Robin Dodd; research by Victoria Radin and Sheila McNeil. Page 77 The Age of Bede: the emergence of Northumbria as a scholastic and cultural centre, by Professor H. R. Loyn. Page 83This item is not exclusive to eBay and may be deleted if sold elsewhere online. To avoid paying multiple postage costs on multiple purchases use the shopping cart.