I know you’ve all been there. Standing in the personal hygiene, aisle dazed by the choices in the supermarket’s toothbrush section, asking yourself firm or soft bristled? 
Hot pink or neon green? 
Plaque-scouring or sensitive tooth-coddling? 
The one backed with that nubby rubber tongue scraper? 
Or maybe it’s time to go full electric? And yet, with so many options, still you wonder—is this it? Surely there must be a better-looking toothbrush.
Turns out, there is! 
1988 Creations by ALAN STUART, INC. New York Designer Toothbrush Hand Made, Nylon Bristles Toothbrush Measures Approx. 6" Long X 1/2" Wide Classic Design 
Perfect gift for Christmas, Father's Day, Birthday or any other festive occasion!