TV Guide Presents 32 Classic TV Episodes On 4 DVD Set!


Each DVD in the set is dedicated to a specific TV genre: Comedies, Westerns, Detectives and the fourth disc is a mix of genres simply titled Classic Television. There are 8 episodes on each disc for a total of 32 episodes, including two hour-long "Bonanza" episodes (all other episodes are half hour episodes). Comedies include shows like "Dick Van Dyke," "Andy Griffith" and "The Lucy Show," among others. Westerns include "Bat Masterson," "Jim Bowie," "The Cisco Kid" (in color), etc. The Detectives DVD includes the expected "Dragnet" episode but also includes an episode of the "Dick Tracy" television series, a tough find on DVD. Look for an episode of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" on the Classic Television DVD. Most of the episodes included in this collection have been issued several times over by different public domain releasing companies (especially the episodes on the Comedies DVD), but there are some episodes included that I hadn't seen before, including a kinescope of a live 1951 broadcast from an Ellery Queen detective series that originally aired on the old Dumont Network, and an episode from "Man With a Camera," a late 1950s series that starred Charles Bronson. The two "Ozzie and Harriet" episodes included in the set are from my favorite era of the show, when Ricky Nelson was a child (and got all the best lines). As might be expected for a collection of public domain material, the audio/visual quality of the episodes is variable and certainly less than pristine, but all episodes are watchable. The only real negative on this set is the use of replacement theme music for a number of shows (some of the original themes are still under copyright). Other than that, for someone looking for an "instant" collection of classic TV at a bargain price, I'd recommend this set.