Dr. Reckeweg R65 Psoriasis Drop helps manage skin conditions such as psoriasis and dryness. It helps to reduce scars, improve skin complexion, and soften the skin. It also aids in wound healing and the management of eczema.

Key Ingredients:
Berberis Aquifol. Q, Calcium Carbonic. Hahnemanni D30, Graphites D12, Hydrocotyle Asiatica D2, Natrium Chloratum D30, Arsenicum Album D12.

Psoriasis Vulgaris (Also known as plaque psoriasis or chronic dermatosis), psoriasis-like eczema (a chronic skin condition that causes red, itchy, and dry rashes on the skin.)

Key Benefits:

Take 10-15 drops in water, 2 to 3 times daily, before meals.