Dr. Reckeweg R67 Circulatory Debility Drop is useful in the management of circulatory problems and cardiogenic shock. It contains Acidum hydrocyanicum, which aids in the management of convulsions as well as irregular heartbeats, chest pain, and difficulty breathing. It also contains Tabacum, which relieves inflammation and helps with cold sweat, nausea, and pallor in the face.

Key Ingredients:

Key Benefits:

Dosage of Dr. Reckeweg R67  

  • In acute circulatory shock repeat ¼ to ½ hourly. If necessary give every 5 minutes 10-15 drops of  Dr. Reckeweg R67   with or without water
  • Once improvement commences repeat the remedy less frequently
  • In chronic circulatory disturbances give 10 to 15 drops in water 3 times daily before meals over a variable period of time.