The color of the singing bowl cushion is sent randomly.

“Exquisite in every way.” “Out of this world, magical singing.” “Sound is mesmerizing.” “I will be a customer for life.” ~ A multisensory path to a more gentle, peaceful place. The bowl’s sublime sound, exquisitely crafted design, and resonant vibrations embrace you with deepening clarity and serenity.
Ideal size ensures that your bowl will be a constant spiritual companion. Bring to yoga classes, meditation groups, or the office. Fits in your (or your child’s) hand, yet sings with pure, layered tones that rival much larger bowls.
Created by hand by Nepalese artisans and devoted practitioners. New dual surface pencil grip mallet perfectly sized to produce heavenly sounds that quiet the mind. Specially hand-sewn designer cushion showcases bowl while stabilizing vital tones.
Each singing bowl is hand selected and inspected for sound quality. Carefully and securely packaged prior to shipping.
