Brand new straight out of packets pick your dice from the drop down list 

Supplement your games of Star Wars Legion with a tool of convenience: extra dice! The Star Wars: Legion Dice Pack contains fifteen dice, identical to the dice contained in the Core Set.

Every round in Star Wars: Legion, you’re taking command of an army of the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire, and testing your tactical skills to the utmost in order to complete your objectives and gain the upper hand. Whether you’re plotting out your next movement or determining which objective to prioritise at each stage of the battle, you never want to be searching the table for some dice.

Within the Star Wars: Legion Dice Pack, you’ll find fifteen custom dice, identical to the attack and defence dice included in the Star Wars: Legion Core Set. You may be commanding a Stormtrooper squad to fire their E-11 Blaster Rifles, or you may be crouching behind heavy cover with Luke Skywalker, but no matter what your situation, these dice are perfect for carrying you through the tumult of combat.