LPC rebuild for OG Xbox classic 1.6 motherboards

This QSB makes the task of rebuilding the LPC on OG XBOX 1.6 motherboards a breeze, it also gives you much better, trustworthy connections whilst also making your install look amazingly tidy and professional looking.

There are two variants, both function exactly the same:

BLACK LPC: Perfectly manafactured PCB, 0.8mm thick two layer board, with castellated holes on all sides.

GREEN LPC: This PCB was incorrectly manafactured in that the manafacturers did not apply castellated holes so they have burrs on them that either need to be removed or push down to lay flat so they can be soldered properly, we have to many of them to do this so they are being sold cheaper to clear them. Once the burrs are removed or laid down they function the same.