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Titolo: The Vineyard
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781956731293
ISBN: 9781956731293
Publisher: Aftershock Comics
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 10/10/2023
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 254mm
Lunghezza: 178mm
Autore: Brian Hawkins
Genere: Manga
Soggetto: Graphic Novels
Title Format: Paperback
Peso: 363g
ISBN-10: 1956731296
Contribuyente: Mike Marts (Edited by), Sami Kivela (By (artist))
Description: THE VINEYARD is a family-owned winery that sows and reaps by the blessing of the great god of wine and revelry, Dionysus. However, the Vines family’s patron god requires complete devotion in the form of four sacrificial killings a year before each harvest. This has been done in unfettered obeisance. But all of that changed when the family’s patriarch, Didache Vines, was in a horrible accident that left him paralyzed and in a wheelchair.

Now, the sacrificial and murderous duties of the Vines family have fallen to wife and matriarch, Maranatha Vines. With harvest season fast approaching and the family short of their annual sacrificial killings, Maranatha’s struggle with her conscience puts all of her family – husband, son and daughter – in jeopardy.
Written by Brian Hawkins (Black Cotton, Believe in the Name, Don’t Ever Blink) and illustrated by Sami Kivelä (THE HEATHENS, UNDONE BY BLOOD, Abbott), THE VINEYARD is what happens when family values and otherworldly obligations collide.
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023

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