OE Part Number:
100% brand new and high-quality
SAAB 9-3 2003-2012 B207 PETROL MODELS
The packaging includes:
4x Ignition Coil
Please Note:
1) There are no instructions included in this package. Professional installation is highly recommended!
2) Please check compatibility chart, part photos, part number above carefully to make sure it is what you need.
3) The above OE numbers and models are for reference only, if you have any questions about the product, you can contact our customer service at any time, thank you!

Shipping Note:
  1. Thanks for shopping from us!
  2. Item is shipped to eBay address, Please leaving correct address can minimize delay.
  3. If a problem occurs, contact us immediately with any email request.
  4. If you need return, you must return items in their original packaging and in the same condition  as when you received them.
  5. Please give us the opportunity to resolve any problems with your order.
  6. If you send email to us, In our working hours will be resumed within 48 hours.