Product Details
Weight: 8.00 lbs

For all the 80's movie fans, here's another one for you. The "Chet" deck features the films most despised character. Chet Donnelly who was played by Bill Paxton is the main antagonist in the film. He mercilessly bullies Wyatt and his best friend Gary. After a long stint of harassing the boys, the Lisa character decides to take revenge and turn Chet into this talking mutant blob. 

For those who might be unfamiliar with the plot of the movie, in involves two unpopular teenagers (Gary Wallace and Wyatt Donnelly) who fail at all attempts to be accepted by their peers. Their desperation to be liked leads them to "create" a woman via their computer. Their living, breathing creation is a gorgeous woman, Lisa, whose purpose is to boost their confidence level by putting them into situations which require them to act like men. On their road to becoming accepted, they encounter many hilarious obstacles, which gives the movie an overall sense of silliness. This board is a homage to this film. 

The board comes in sizes 8.0, 8.25, 8.50, & 8.70. It has a top graphic, assorted bottom colors, and is available while supplies last. 

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