1964-5 Fender Bandmaster-Original Owner

Used mostly in, Key Clubs, Nightclubs, and All Nighters.
It's surprisingly nice and clean. That's alot of, ..'love and respect'...
Two Jensen Speakers-Original
6-Tubes- #2-6L6GC, #4-12AX7 (no transistors) This one's got Balls. 
Two separate Channels with their own inputs. 
One with Variable Speed Vibrato
Last time I plugged in, it was ready to go.
Unlike some of the 'relationships', I had during those years,
This, 'Mistress of the Night', .....
"'NEVER'"...!!!!   LET ME DOWN... ;) 
And, I ran her hard, at a solid '10', most nights. Or.....'Whenever We Could Get Away With it'. ;)
You won't find one, as sweet as this, anywhere out there, in the, 'Wilds'. 
'I Should Know'.  We've spent many long nights together. Richie..