item description

Dried Lime Leaves(Kaffir)Organic,Pure Natural, Premium Quality Ceylon Herbs dins


ü  Detoxify the blood
ü  Boost skin health
ü  Improve digestion
ü  Ward off insects
ü  Lower inflammation
ü  Aid immune system
ü  Reduce stress
ü  Improve the health of hair

When using dried leaves, the heat and moisture of cooking help them release their flavor. Aside from soups and broths, kaffir lime leaves can also be used to infuse anything from a pickling juice to a salt cure or sugar syrup

Everything You About Need to Know Cooking With Lime Leaves

The bright and complex flavor of lime leaves is unlike anything else. Here are the basics about buying and cooking with this vibrant ingredient.

You may have seen lime leaves for sale at specialty markets and been curious about how they're used in cooking. Or perhaps you've tasted a Thai curry and wondered what mystery ingredient gives the dish its intoxicatingly bright flavor and aroma. Learn more about these flavor-packed citrus leaves popular in Thai, Cambodian, Balinese, and Malaysian cooking — including how to shop for, store, and prep them. Plus, get our top ten recipes using lime leaves so you cook up dishes showcasing this unforgettable flavor at home