"Lots of cartoonists push their work to the edge, but these women shove their cartoons right off the cliff and take you along for the ride. Funny, scary, rudely honest stuff." - - Matt Groening

"This book makes me feel like a natural woman. It makes me really happy to be female." -- Lynda Barry

"Sex and guts, love, pain, and pleasure exposed by artists who really know how things are." -- Kathy Acker

featuring M.K. Brown, Julie Doucet, Mary Fleener, Phoebe Gloeckner, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Krystine Kryttre, Carol Lay, Caryn Leschen, Carel Moisewitsch, Diane Noomin, Dori Seda, Leslie Sternbergh, Carol Tyler, and Penny Moran Van Horn