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Titolo: An Ever Changing View
Condizione: Nuovo
Description: During the album's creation, he was staying in both a beautiful architect's house with breath-taking sea views and a striking modernist house, where he composed what he saw 'like a landscape painting'. In these new environments, Halsall wanted to capture 'the feeling of openness and escapism' and to approach making music again from scratch. 'I hit the reset button and wanted to have complete musical freedom', he says. 'It was a real exploration of sound'.
Etichetta discografica: Gondwana Records
Artista: Matthew Halsall
Tipo: CD
Edizione: Album
Numero di dischi: 1
Data d'uscita: 15/09/2023
Genere: Jazz
Sottogenere: Jazz
EAN: 5050580798144
Type: Album
Title Format: CD
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023
Elenco della pista:
1: Tracing Nature
2: Water Street
3: An Ever Changing View
4: Calder Shapes
5: Mountains, Trees and Seas
6: Field of Vision
7: Jewels
8: Sunlight Reflection
9: Natural Movement
10: Triangles in the Sky

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