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48 degrees below 0, Rare 
Antarctica moment in history 1st women on South Pole. Envelope with the six signatures: Pamela Young, Jean Pearson, Lois JonesEileen McSaveney, Kay Lindsay and Terry Tickhill with Rear Admiral David Fife Welch commander of operation deep freeze, on this cover. 

I believe the note on the back of the cover references this photo found on line at Wikipedia, cover may have carried the photo back to Milwaukee Journal by Arville Schaleben American reporter and journalist.


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The first women at the South Pole were Pamela Young, Jean Pearson, Lois JonesEileen McSaveney, Kay Lindsay and Terry Tickhill on 12 November 1969. Rear Admiral David F. Welch is in the middle.

Arville Schaleben 

educator newspaper editor writer

Arville Schaleben, American newspaper editor, writer, educator. Named Wisconsin Journalist of Year, Society Professional Journalists, 1975, 80; recipient Honor al Merito award North America Association of Venezuela.


Schaleben, Arville was born on January 25, 1907 in Brown County, Minnesota, United States. Son of Wilhelm and Lina (Helling) Schaleben.


Bachelor of Arts, University Minnesota, 1929.


With, Milwaukee Journal, 1929-1972; reporter, assistant city editor, then city editor, Milwaukee Journal, 1936-1946; assistant managing editor, Milwaukee Journal, 1946-1959; managing editor, Milwaukee Journal, 1959-1962; executive editor, Milwaukee Journal, 1962-1966; associate editor, Milwaukee Journal, 1966-1972; vice president, The Journal Company, 1962-1968; director, The Journal Company, 1960-1972; editor-in-residence, University of Wisconsin, Madison, since 1972; also visiting professor, University of Wisconsin. Visiting professor Medill School Journalism, Northwestern University, since 1972. Riley professor journalism Indiana U., Bloomington, 1972.

Lecturer University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1976-1977.



President Androvandi, Ltd., Milwaukee Director Fox Point (Wisconsin) School Board, 1942-1948. Member President's Committee for Handicapped, 1950-1958. Chairman Nicolet High School building committee, 1953.

Past chairman building committee Congregationalist Church. Member Wisconsin Associated Press Association (president), Associated Press Managing Editors Association (director. Chairman news research committee 1965, member media competition committee, new methods committee, committee future newspapers, co-editor 50-year associated press history, regent since 1965), American Newspaper Publications Association (member news research center steering committee 1964-1972), American Society Newspaper Editors (co-chairman education committee, member research committee, committee education for journalism, committee minorities), International Press Institute, Society South Pole, Antarctican Society, Sigma Delta Chi (chairman Wisconsin 1958, member professor goals committee), Milwaukee Press Club (president 1936-1939, president Foundation 1975-1985, knight of Golden Quill 1979).

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