24x Eye Drops 10ml Each OFFICIAL USA Care Glaucoma BEST EYE DROPS FOR EYE Cataract + Free Shipping

Isotine Eye Drop is an ayurvedic eye tonic recommended for the vision improvement. Isotine eye drops can also remove your spectacles. Also relieves from eye stress & computer strain.
It is based on Ayurvedic herbs and Bhasmas. After many clinical trials, it has since been registered and patented by Govt.of India. During the past 25 years, thousands of patients suffering from immature Cataract other eye diseases like Myopia, Hypermetropia, Diabetic Retinopathy, Color Blindness, Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Retinitis Pigmentosa, etc have been benefited without operation. Many of these diseases are known to be incurable. 

Benefits of Isotine Eye Drop:

Isotine Eye Drop has also been found to be very effective in improving eyesight in postoperative cases of Cataract, Laser Lasic Laser. 
Spectacles of many patients have also been removed. Up to +8.5 Dsph.\ 
Myopia Cataract 
Colour Blindness
  •  Get your eyesight checked before using the Isotine Eye Drops to know the progress after using the Isotine.
  • Use isotine by instilling two drops of Isotine in eyes thrice a day for at least 3 months.

Company leaflet claims that results will start appearing even within 5 minutes after the use of Isotine. It is checked on several thousands of patients for the vision improvement. The efficacy ranges from 40 to 90% improvement in vision, reduction of spectacle numbers and permanent removal of spectacle in some cases.

Composition of Isotine Eye Drop

Scientific Name

Common Name

Qty. in %age

Butea Monosperma



Achyranthus aspera



Boerrhavia Diffusa



Zinc Oxide

Yasad Bhasma



Takana Bhasma






Tuth Bhasma


Mentha Pipreta

Satva Pudina


Benzalkonium Chloride




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