*This description has and will be updated with the story of this doll, please read the full description.


"My Goblin World Vintage Handmade Figure. Unknown Age Or Artist. Tags In Spanish.

Truly original piece.  Beautifully creepy.  It has original tags in Spanish (see photos).  Awesome detail and very cool piece of fantasy art.

Aprox 12 inch H

               8 Inch D

               5 Inch W

Has some glue residue on the back from him being originally glued to the wooden rocking chair. "


The story behind this doll was that I bought it from a sketchy flea market as part of a "cursed Christmas" game we play every year - all family members find the weirdest - creepiest thing we can and we play white elephant until everyone has something horrid to take home that they have to display for the year - seems funny right?  I found this guy and as an empath and being intuitive I just had to have him. I thought he was perfect for the game.  My Eldest child ended up with him however after about 2 weeks - it was given back to me - reason I was given was "He makes me sad".

So I listed him on ebay - a cool vintage fantasy piece of art.

I have had him for a little over two months now and yes - he does - he makes me sad.  

So I have decided to update my listing because I want people to know what they are dealing with if they buy him.

There is something hiding behind that smile of his.  It is by no means demonic or malicious at least I don't feel like it is. He has the vibe or the aura of an old dog.  Loyal and loving but in quiet pain.

I am in a rough spot emotionally right now (My mother is terminally ill and I am struggling with her impending death) and I find that my sadness is feeding his.  I am by no means an expert on spirit and can only say what I am experiencing (if you know more about what this could be or why it is happening or how I can help him please please please let me know).

I feel the sadness oozing out of him.  With experimentation I have found that speaking aloud about what I am feeling does seem to bring his vibrations down and quiet him or placate him to a degree.  However having to come home and trauma dump nightly so his energy doesn't weigh me down all night just isn't something I am keen on doing anymore.

And I have noticed that when I have been away for longer periods of time he seems to take longer to calm down or the activity around him gets more active the longer I have been away - almost a co-dependency. Or again like a dog.  (I think I am explaining this poorly however he does have a very "old dog" vibe and needs constant attention)

I am not sure if his energy is causing my mood to worsen or if my mood is creating his energy. Either way he is draining my battery and I need the co-dependency to end. My working theory is that it is my mood that is feeding into him and creating this cycle of sad - which I do not want for either of us.

I love him and he is beautiful but I feel like with someone in a better place emotionally would be a better fit -

However this is just a theory and he could just be a sadness vessel so keep that in mind if you purchase him. 

Common activity that happens in his presence is that things often fall or drop off the table he resides on - he often falls out of his chair even though it is level and he is seated evenly.  My book often falls off the table when I am not home (particularly if I spend more time then usual reading the night before).  Temperature fluctuates in my bedroom and my "actual" old dog hates him - and the feeling seems mutual on the Goblin's part. Typical bumps in the night - and he seems to look different every once in a while which I cannot explain.  I will update this listing as more stuff happens.

An odd scent of old leather every once in a while - almost like an old fashioned cologne.  \

04/26/2024 UPDATE

I put him away in a box and that seemed to work for a few days of peace but then I started waking up in the middle of the night with an immense feeling of dread - may or may not be related.

I freed him from his cardboard prison and he seems to have calmed down a bit. 

The law says I must state that no paranormal activity is guaranteed and this should be considered for entertainment purposes only .

I make no claims on whether this activity will happen in another environment or with another individual.

Caution should always be advised when dealing with such matters.

This item in NOT REFUNDABLE because quite frankly once I send him out he is going to be upset with me and I do not want that energy coming back - I have enough on my plate.

If you are reading this and thinking - this lady is crazy - yeah I might be.  All things are possible.  You may not feel anything - it might be a poltergeist thing and it is just me he has latched on to. 

I would love the buyer of this doll to keep me updated on any and all activity I am very curious if it is just my sadness or melancholy that he is hording which again I think might be the case.

I know I have made him sound horrible and you may not want to risk buying him which is fair - but it may be different in another circumstance.  I really do think I am the problem here.

Thanks for reading this weird ass e-bay listing.  Be careful out there.
