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French Vintage / antique Wallpaper LOT hurrah! ~*~ If you've never been to the Museum of wallpaper Wallpaper Museum in Rixheim, France you must put that on your list of things to do! It's a fabulous museum , fascinating And, it's quite near the Musée de l'impression sur étoffes de Mulhouse !!! So, it's a winning combination! ~~ Ok so..... ~ here we go :
A fabulous bundle!! I've been hoarding these for over 20 years , it's time to let someone have some fun with these!!! This is a collection of small pieces and some slightly longer, over a yard for a few of them, others are just bits. More than 20 pieces, in many different patterns!! Some floral , I've always dreamed of using them to line boxes , shelves you name it. It's time they are enjoyed fully by someone with super creative hands ~*

MEASUREMENTS: It's difficult to say how many yards in total, I didn't measure any , some are only a few inches long some far longer!

CONDITION : The condition varies from piece to piece!! Some tears, some age marks , some are cut in half ETC , there are some in fabulous condition!. Just a big MIXED fabulous lot of vintage French wallpaper ~

Bundle box 8