Illustrated London News

Original issue

London -  November 2, 1912

New York - November 16, 1912

Magazine in good condition. Highly illustrated with lots of 2 page photos and ads. A large magazine of usually around 30 pages. Inside: the cover shows a transport train for Bulgarian men and horses; Macedonian and Turkish prisoners; Greeks attacked in Pera; Salonica, Adrianople and Uskub; Map of Adrianople and its forts; Turks hold up Greeks in Constantinople;  Bulgarians are victors at Kirk Kilisse; Shiptchinik destroyed by bombs; Sofia, Constantinople, Shiptchnik; French guns against German guns; General Sovoff - Bulgaria; Nazim Pasha - The Turkish Kitchener; Abdullah Pasha Commander of the Turkish Army in Thrace; The Maritza and Tundja rivers - key to Constantinople; Adrianople is no Port Arthur; Small article on Overland automobile; 

Automobiles; G.K. Chesterton; Lots of ads.   ;

Dating usually will have the current London date, plus exterior New York ads of two weeks previous.

We have most issues of Illustrated London News in stock 1843 to 1975. Inquire about other issues. We also have issues on Ebay under "London News."

Chosen Reflections/Million Magazines, Kaufman TX 75142

Over one Million Magazines in stock 1843-the present.

In the trade since 1976

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