Item description from the seller

Helps reverse PCOD/PCOS and get Natural Periods On-Time with Natural Ayurvedic herbs.

  • Balance hormones, supports timely ovulation, this also help to improve chances of pregnancy.
  • Better digestion, metabolism, helps reduce hair fall. Flush-out toxins of reproductive system and purifies blood to heal the root cause of PCOS.
  • For women who've PCOS/PCOD, delayed irregular periods, less flow, hormonal imbalance, unusual weight gain, difficulty to conceive or pregnancy, facial hair, acne, pigmentation, hair fall.
  • Hormonal balance and reverse associated effects of PCOS/PCOD, viz. blood sugar, weight gain, infertility, acne or excessive facial hair in addition to fighting fibroids and boosting ovulation.
  • Stress, poor diet, physical inactivity, and sleep problems are known to cause hormonal imbalances affecting the menstrual cycle. Nveda PCOD care maintain healthy ovulation, reducing stress, and managing weight. Fights low energy levels and mood caused by hormonal fluctuations.
  • It contains natural ingredients that work synergistically to dissolve cysts, improve egg quality, and ovulation thereby regularizing periods and enhancing fertility.