Kabbalah Red String Bracelet protection from evil eye Ben Porat prayer judaism


Contains:  Quality wool bracelet string x 3

 Length:  25 cm 

Ben Porat prayer


Worn by Royals and Celebrities

Used for Fertility, Good Luck and to Ward Off the 'Evil Eye'.



If looks could kill...


Ever wonder where this old expression comes from? According to Kabbalah, envious stares and looks of ill will can prevent us from realizing our potential. Kabbalists attribute much of everyday misfortunes to the evil eye - the negative glances and resentful looks we receive from people harboring destructive feelings towards us. Red String helps to restrict the negative energy you send out towards others, while at the same time acting as a shield of protection against any bad energy directed your way.


 Kabbalah is the mystical form of Judaism. In ancient Hebrew texts, Rachel, the mother of Joseph, tried to give birth for years without success. It was believed that she was infertile until, finally, she gave birth to Joseph. She died during childbirth with her second son, Benjamin. Her highest priority was to keep children safe and protected from evil, and for such she is revered as a holy mother figure.


Because of this, a ritual developed of tying a red string around her tomb seven times to infuse it with the energy of protection and luck. After unwrapping the string from Rachel’s tomb, it is then cut into bracelet sized lengths and tied onto the wearer’s left wrist while reciting a prayer for protection. It is believed that the bracelet will then ward off evil.

 Because not everyone has access to Rachel’s tomb to wrap the red string around it seven times, it is instead often knotted 7 times while repeating a Kabbalah bracelet prayer.

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