Joseph Delaney's The Last Apprentice series, also known as The Wardstone Chronicles in the UK, is a thrilling 13-book series that follows the life and adventures of Tom Ward, a young apprentice to the Spook, who is tasked with protecting the county from malevolent witches, creatures, and dark forces. Set in a dark and eerie world filled with folklore and supernatural beings, the series masterfully explores themes of bravery, morality, and the battle between good and evil. Readers are drawn into a richly detailed and suspenseful narrative as Tom Ward grows from a novice into a formidable fighter and protector of his homeland.

Revenge of the Witch
Curse of the Bane
Night of the Soul Stealer
Attack of the Fiend
Wrath of the Bloodeye
Clash of the Demons
Rise of the Huntress
Rage of the Fallen
Grimalkin the Witch Assassin 
Lure of the Dead
I Am Alice
Fury of the Seventh Son 
The Spook's Tale and Other Stories
A Coven of Witches
The Spook's Bestiary