Organic Beef Bone Broth Powder 95% Protein 85% Collagen


OmniBroth™ BBB Organic is a bone broth ingredient derived from natural beef bones from organic Swedish cattle (KRAV-certified).

Directions: 15g of OmniBroth to 300ml of Water

OmniBroth™ BBB is a beef broth cooked from meaty bones. After a dehydration process, it

turns into a concentrated source of high-quality, nutritious and tasty bone broth powder,

ready to go directly into the recipe.

Ingredients Beef broth

Application area Health and nutrition

For many food producers, the increased awareness among consumers to adopt a healthy lifestyle builds a compelling case for using OmniBroth™ BBB Organic, as it has a huge advantage over many other sources of protein.

It contains no known allergens, it is organic, and it contains essential amino acids that are easily absorbed in the human body.








OmniBroth™ BBB
> 95 %> 6 %< 3 %Pale cream

OmniBroth™ BBB Organic is cooked with beef bones, the same way as you cook homemade broth. After a dehydration process, it turns into a concentrated source of high-quality, nutritious and tasty powder ready to go directly into your recipe.

Bone broth is recognized for supporting
  • Preservation of lean muscle and augmenting fat loss
  • Satiety enhancement
  • Improved bone strength and density
  • Gut health and digestion
  • Joint health and mobility
  • Increased skin hydration and elasticity