Subabulis frequently planted as a fodder plant in the tropics, particularly on arid wastelands. It has white flowers with a yellow tinge, similar to mimosa, and long flattened pods. Subabul (kubabul) trees can be found throughout India. Animals are fed Subabul leaves as green feed. Subabul seeds are fed to Cattle and Goats as a nutritious fodder.

Nutritional value of Subabul Seeds:

Subabul seeds are composed of 65% TDN and 29% CP. As a result, it is a good source of both calories and protein.

Subabul Seeds : A negative factor

Subabul seeds contain the poisonous component 'Mimosine' (a glucoside), which has a negative impact on animal growth, reproduction, and health. Mimosine may cause hair loss in young cattle. As a result, it should be used at the prescribed amounts.

Subabul Seeds: Detoxification

Mimosin toxicity is reduced by the addition of iron salts, and if the treated material is allowed to stand for a week before being mixed with feeds, minimal toxicity remains (FAO, AFRIS). Mimosine content can also be lowered by soaking and drying the seeds.