Up for offering  we have this vintage dybbuk box.  The origin is unknown as it was at the bottom of a box of books that was purchased at the sale. What struck me odd, was that when I was unloading the books out of the box, there seemed to be a foul odor that got stronger everytime more books were removed from the box. My nephew was with me and helping me sort the books. He too noticed the odor as we removed more books from the box.  
When we finally got to the bottom of the box, there was rotting newspaper and what looked like ashes in the bottom of the box and then this wax sealed container. I just thought it was an old piece of junk that got thrown in a box of books, but my nephew knew exactly what it was and warned me of the seriousness of this item.

I reached out to a friend  who is a practicioner of the dark arts.  His evaluation of the item is this:

Strong demonic entity bound within; restless spirit, angry, malevolent

Keeping the Dybbuk Box for power trips or negative intent is NOT recommended. Serious and experienced practicioners only. The entitiy trapped inside the box is evil, not nice!. Keeping them solely for personal gain can lead to negative consequences, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, etc.

It's imperative to approach any spirituality, occult, and magick with a clear intention and purpose. 
Opening the box is not advised. However, if inadvertently unsealed, it's strongly recommended to perform protective rites and spiritual cleansing. These energies are powerful and demand your respect, caution, and reverence.
This entity can wreak havoc in ones life if you are not well versed in such an item.


DISCLAIMER: I believe very strongly in what I do, however laws state I must add that my readings are for "entertainment purposes only". You must be at least 18 years old to make this purchase. You agree that any readings purchased are subject to your own interpretation. My services are not  substitute for legal, medical, financial, psychiatric, or any other kind of professional advice or care. I am not responsible for the outcome of any situation that may occur as a result of any product or service you purchase from me, or of your participation in any way. I make no claims for the efficacy of my service. By purchasing my services, you are stating that you are aware of and agree to these terms.