An annual plant known as Pitpapda or Pitpapra (Fumaria Officinalis) is a widespread weed in India's plains. The entire plant is frequently utilized in traditional and folklore medical systems.

Pitpapda's Grahi (absorbent) property aids in the control of diarrhea. It lessens the frequency of watery stools and aids in absorbing excessive water loss.

Other Names: 

Shahtaraj, Shaatiraj, Vanshulfa,Pitpapra, Shotara, Common Fumitory, Earth-smoke, Vapor, Beggary, Fumée de terre Fumaria officinalis Linn, Ackerraute, Echter Erdrauch, Erdgalle, Gemeiner Erdrauch, Kratzheil, Traubenkerbel, Pittapapada, Pitpapado, Pittapapado, Pitpapra, Papara, Shahtara, Kallu Sabasige, Parpatu, Chaturasigide, Shahtar, Fumaria officinalis Linn, Pittapapada, Shatra, Parpat, Shahtara, Shahtarak, Shahtara, Pittapapara, Yavana Parpata, Parpata, Suksmapatra, Shahtara, Pitta Papda, Pittpapra, Pittpapada, Papada, Shahatara,  - Shahtara - Shatra