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Titolo: Where Does God Live?
Condizione: Nuovo
ISBN-10: 189336139X
EAN: 9781893361393
ISBN: 9781893361393
Publisher: SkyLight Paths Publishing,US
Formato: Tascabile
Data di pubblicazione: 13/09/2001
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 254mm
Lunghezza: 216mm
Larghezza: 3mm
Autore: August Gold, Matthew J. Perlman
Genere: Children's Reference

Children ask a lot of questions. 

Spiritual questions can become the best conversations.

This beautiful book helps children and parents embark, together, on an imaginative journey in search of God. Bright and evocative photographs inspire children to connect the story to their own lives, and to understand the everyday places we can see God … when we laugh, when we’re scared, when we try something new; in bears, in bugs, and in our dreams.

Where Does God Live? playfully helps us to find God by opening our eyes—and our spiritual imaginations!

Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2001

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