This 2 Oz. Anti Wart Soap is carefully formulated to safely and effectively stop the spread of Infections and prevents the recurrence of Warts. As the infected skin is treated, layers will begin to peel away from the wart, gradually drying it up and shrinking after repeated washes. Castor oil and tea tree oil give the soap gentle, soothing properties that help with any swelling/irritation of the skin. This soap can also be used for (rhymes with bungal) infections of the skin such as Ringworm or Jock Itch. For proper handling, please make sure only one person is using each soap bar to avoid the possibility of transferring infections. | 

[Español] - Este jabón antiverrugas de 2 Onza está cuidadosamente formulado para detener de forma segura y eficaz la propagación de infecciones y previene la recurrencia de verrugas. A medida que se trata la piel infectada, las capas comenzarán a desprenderse de la verruga, secándose gradualmente y encogiéndose después de repetidos lavados. El aceite de ricino y el aceite de árbol de té le dan al jabón propiedades suaves y calmantes que ayudan con cualquier hinchazón o irritación de la piel. Este jabón también se puede utilizar para infecciones de la piel como el pie de atleta o la tiña inguinal. Para un manejo adecuado, asegúrese de que solo una persona esté usando cada barra de jabón para evitar la posibilidad de transferir infecciones. 

Skin care made easy, brought to you by Angel’s Skin.

Ingredients: sulfur, tea tree oil, salt, potatoes, castor oils, apple cider vinegar | Ingredientes: azufre, aceite de árbol de té, sal, patatas, aceite de ricino, vinagre de sidra de manzana

Directions: To use the anti wart soap,wet the soap bar and your skin with warm water. Then scrub the soap bar directly on the affected area until there is a nice, thick lather. Let the lathery foamy goodness sit for about five minutes then rinse completely. Can be used on the face or any affected area of the body. For best results use twice a day. 

LONG LASTING: One bar can last up to a month even with consistent use