Detox wellness infusion Pure Ayurveda Herbal Weight Loss Slim Better Ceylon Tea 20 tea bags

Detox is a rejuvenating mix that cleanses the body of toxins with every refreshing cup. To look good, one has to feel good and be as healthy as possible. That’s what makes Zesta’s Detox infusion so unique as it cleanses your body of toxins, keeping you rejuvenated and fit!

Ingredients: Iranmusu, Ranawara, Nelli, Ginger, Turmeric, Belimal, Licorice, Asamodagam, Neem

Iramusu is an ancient herb that detoxifies and and purifies blood , improve skin complexion and relieves gastric hyper-acidity. Ranawara is known to contain laxative properties that relieve constipation. These distinctive herbs together with the other powerful antioxidants make Zesta's Detox the other powerful antioxidants make Zesta's Detox infusion, a healthy and refreshing drink that will help you rid your body of toxic and unhealthy substances.

Indulge in a cup of this delicious and healthy Detox Wellness Infusion Herbal Tea. This natural tea is perfect for those who are looking to lose weight or slim down. With 20 tea bags, each bag containing only 20 calories, this tea is a great addition to your daily routine. Made with organic and natural ingredients such as tea, ginger, green tea, cinnamon, and cumin seeds, this tea is the perfect way to enjoy a warm cup without worrying about the condition of the product. This herbal tea is sourced from Sri Lanka and contains no allergens such as pepper, making it perfect for those who are allergic to certain ingredients. The tea has a subtle, unflavored taste and is perfect for those who love to enjoy a warm cup of tea without any added flavors. This Detox Wellness Infusion Herbal Tea is suitable for those on a vegetarian or vegan diet and is a great addition to any pantry.