Silene Capensis is a small shrub native to the eastern coast of southern Africa. The Xhosa tribe regards the plant as sacred and it is held in the highest of regards.

Our Silene Capensis is Wild Harvested in South Africa by the Khoi natives :-)

Traditionally the roots of the plant are consumed via a tea, or by swallowing ground up material. The effects are cosidered oneirogenic, or 'dream creating', in nature. Said to increase the vividnss as well as the ability of one to recall ones dreams.

An interesting quality of this plant is the magnitude of its potency, active at only 250mg, thats a quarter of one gram!

Traditionally the herb is consumed during the daytime rather than before sleeping, and is eaten on an empty stomach. The chemicals responsible for the dream enhancement take hours to aborb which is why it isn't consumed right before sleep as other dream herbs are. I believe the effects are said to build up as well if taken daily. And its important to know that the Xhosa feel that more is not better with this herb. It is said that when you find the dose that works for your dreaming, do not increase, as this will not increase dreaming but instead will only make it harder to digest.