It is recommended for maintaining the health of the prostate and the normal functioning of the urinary system.

Contribute to:
- maintaining prostate health;
- normal functioning of the urinary system;
- improvement of diuresis.

Epilobium parviflorum (Epilobium parviflorum) - aerial parts.

Administration method:
- the plant powder is finely ground with an electric grinder. Take a grated teaspoon 4 times a day, on an empty stomach. The powder is kept under the tongue for 10-15 minutes, after which it is swallowed with water.
- cold maceration - prepare from a spoonful of the plant added to 250ml of cold water, keep for 6-8 hours at room temperature, then strain and drink on an empty stomach. For therapeutic purposes, drink 3 cups of macerated per day, every 30 minutes. before meals.
- the infusion - prepare from a spoon with the plant added to 250ml of boiling water, keep for 15 min. at room temperature, then strain and drink on an empty stomach. For therapeutic purposes, drink 3 cups of infusion per day, every 30 minutes. before meals.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergy to downy mildew.

4 x 50g 
Total 200g