🇬🇧  Terms and conditions apply, please read description, written in English.
🇩🇪  Es gelten die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Bitte lesen Sie die Beschreibung in englischer Sprache.
🇮🇹   Si applicano termini e condizioni, leggere la descrizione scritta in inglese.
* * *
  • The Voucher works for any date tickets, till 28 June journeys.
  • You can use purchased voucher during 10 days. 
  • Voucher works only if you purchase 2 tickets or more
  • Voucher works on Website and mobile app as well. 

🇬🇧  Any questions? Feel free to send me a message. 
🇩🇪  Irgendwelche Fragen? Schicken Sie mir gerne eine Nachricht.
🇮🇹   Qualsiasi domanda? Sentiti libero di inviarmi un messaggio.