Roughly 110 year old bit of awesome Frankenpunk. Tempted tho I may have been, I did not energise it, and believe it has not been live for circa 70 years+ given the wall of  Dr's estate it came from. With a Crookes tube on the HT terminals these produced useable radiographs, albeit with exposure times of minutes vs. milliseconds. At 1st blush, it seems to function a-la Tesla coil, with a primary transformer producing intermediate HT of maybe 1~3 kilovolts, coupled to the serious part as high frequency impulses produced in the spark gap. This intermediate HF was prolly also brought out as the electrosurgery potential, which could be "precisely" adjusted with the tap selectors you see. Not sure if Doc Baker tweaked it by the smoke, smell, or screams, but it was surely an empirical process; sans metering or current limiting(!) I think the 'pen' is the electrocautery handpiece which was pulsed on as required with the flying tab. According to the terminal labels, besides x-rays and cauterisation, it also "diagnose(d)", "sinusoidal(ized?)" and "D'arsonval(ed?)". So this instrument managed to comfortably straddle the broad, thick miasma between Medicine and quackery. (In the past few years, I've not been entirely convinced the breadth of that fog has since narrowed much). Nevertheless, this is a rare and unique bit of vintage diagnostic equipment, and I recall once finding a description of restoration of this type or similar on the web, but it seems to have gone missing. One selector armature is somewhat burnt, seems to have 1 or 2 bits of missing hardware. The marble slab is completely intact, could do with a good cleansing.

Trust the science!