The Pigeon Natural-Fit Nipple is engineered to closely mimic breastfeeding, offering a seamless transition between breast and bottle. Designed for newborns and babies, this nipple facilitates natural sucking behavior, thanks to its unique, soft texture and breast-like shape. The SS size with a round hole is perfect for newborns, ensuring a comfortable feeding experience from day one.

Key Features:

Easy to Use and Clean:

Choosing the Right Size:
It's essential to select the appropriate nipple size based on your baby's growth to prevent feeding difficulties. This SS size is ideal from birth, with recommendations for transitioning to larger sizes as your baby grows.

Usage Guidelines:
Designed for 0 months onwards, this single-pack nipple is a convenient and safe choice for your newborn. Follow the specific guidelines for cleaning and size progression to ensure a comfortable and nurturing feeding experience.

Innovative Softness and Flexibility:
Compared to previous versions, the latest Natural-Fit Nipple is even closer to the softness of a mother's breast, requiring minimal effort for the baby to latch and feed, thereby promoting healthy oral development.

Developmentally Appropriate Flow Rates:
The Pigeon Natural-Fit Nipple lineup offers a variety of sizes and flow rates to match your baby's developmental stage, ensuring they receive the right amount of milk without struggling or overfeeding.

Transform your baby's feeding routine with the Pigeon Natural-Fit Nipple, designed to offer the closest sensation to breastfeeding, making feeding times comfortable, natural, and enjoyable for both you and your baby.