An anthology of short stories telling tales of Doctor Who characters from when they were young.

*Includes a brand-new story feauturing the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) and Donna Noble (Catherine Tate)!*

We all change, when you think about it. We're all different people all through our lives . . .

Amy Pond looks for her Raggedy Man, Jo Grant remembers her childhood, the Master hunts the past . . . a young girl discovers a love for explosives.

Eleven incredible stories from the world of Doctor Who - the early lives of friends and foes that have never been told before. The characters and their writers include-

Ace by Sophie Aldred
Sarah-Jane Smith by Mark Griffiths
The Master, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart and Madame Vastra by Dave Rudden
Ryan Sinclair and Yaz Khan by Emma Norry
Clara Oswald by Jasbinder Bilan
Amy Pond by Nikita Gill
Davros by Temi Oh
Martha Jones by Faridah bike- yimide
Jo Grant by Katy Manning