BUYERS PLEASE NOTE: effective today, Wednesday, February 23, 2022

All of my listings on this site will be for one unit only.  I will have additional units for purchase.  ... usually 6 or more of item listed. 

Just email me with the total units of that item you would like to buy and I will quote you a discounted price over that which this Site would calculate for you.

As all FREE SHIPPING listings have a built in shipping charge.

This site does not refund to the Seller any fees for selling and State Tax collected from buyer when the Seller is issuing a PARTIAL refund to the Buyer. 

Only time they do 100% refund is when an order is cancelled.

Let's have a full understanding of what is what before you spend money.


BUYERS ... Mom Nature is finally letting up her grip on use here in western pennsylvlania .... shortly my shipping times will be back to normal and all orders then will be shipped asap with weather permitting 

NOTE:     Before i ship your order  I monitor your local temperature and mine and will NOT ship your purchase until I have a 5 to 7 day window of above 34 degrees of daytime temperature and those days with above 28 degree night temperatures for your zip code 

Addition photos will be forth coming as plant make more progress.

Message me for additional information.

As we enter the colder days of the year I monitor your local temperature and will NOT ship your purchase until I have a 5 to 7 day window of above 34 degrees ... I will email you as to if your order is to be delay.

During the last cold period of this year I only had to hold half a dozen orders for the weather to improve for shipping and I recall those were in only in March ... Dec, Jan, Feb, Apr were favorable for shipping without delay.

PLEASE NOTE THAT MANY HOLIDAY CACTUS SOLD ON ETSY ARE NOT AS THEY ARE ADVERTISED ... many sellers confuse the ZYGOCACTUS family of many colors and blooms early for Thanksgiving with the SCHLUMBERGERA family of cactus which are the TRUE 'CHRISTMAS' CACTUS ... please note the leaf blade margins for the two different holiday cactus families ... the zygos and the schlumbergera take notice of my second to last jpg of leaf blades and you will notice that the zygos and schlumbergera often called crab claw cactus are very different

left to right in the leaf blade jpg pictured second to last of my jpgs .. crab claw zygos crab claw zygos .... both with very distinctive leaf blade edge margins

I am offering for sale and postpaid First Class to your doorstep. FOUR (4) cuttings in all of RED Zygocactus

some cuttings will appear to be droopy, twisted, upright etc. … as the plant has both ascending and descending branch growth habit/form and the habit of growth for the cutting is determined where on the branch or arm it was removed


main photo - shows a picture Zygocactus YELLOW forming buds ... a Thanksgiving Cactus

#2 jpg shows a picture of types of cuttings ... crab claw (less points on blade) and zygos cacti (more points on leaf blade) These are representative cuttings ... not the actual being listed

more jpgs will be forth coming when the plant makes more progress

# jpg 7 ... guess one can say that jpg shows a 'wanna be gardener'right from the get go. That is me some 79 years ago

Amen, the movie show is over and I still haven't had any popcorn.

Very easy to grow and relatively disease and pest free ... almost carefree except for watering and given some tlc.

This plant is not WINTER hardy and will be lost if temp goes below 32 degrees.

Directions for rooting, growing and enjoying your holiday cactus plants will been enclosed.

When you order arrives please don't fret about getting the cuttings into water or soil or rooting medium … as it is best to let the open flesh cuts air dry and start a callusing process which most succulents require before you stick them into rooting medium. Please don't expect carbon copies of cuttings identical to each other in shape and form. Mother Nature doesn't permit that in her shipping room.

Having lived a fine life involving outdoor and indoor plants and have been gardening since I was 3 years old and now at age 82, I have decided to make available some plant material and or heirloom seeds from my gardens over the years so you may also enjoy and propagate and pass on to your friends and family much shared enjoyment.

Over the years I have had interest in heirloom tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers and currently have a seed bank of over 100,00 seeds and I will be offering some of my little girl's seeds for others to grow and enjoy. I have selected some mutations of tomatoes and peppers and have cultured or grown then into a cultivar worthy of naming and making available to other gardeners and it is those cultivars which I call 'my little girls' ... more on this when I post more listings on EBAY. If you have an interest in growing or producing new (your own creation) cultivars email me and lets cuss and discuss your interest.Thanks for making it through my gibberish … in a way it's like weeding a garden … wink.

Reproducing a plant from stem tissue is termed 'cloning' or asexual reproduction as nothing genetically changes and pollen from other plants have no effect on the original genetic make up of new plant produced.Environmental and nutritional stresses as well as the owner's tlc will affect any plant's growth, color of bloom and on and on.

I desire much gardening success for you when rooting cuttings, establishing groundcovers and growing my seeds. Being a retired Vocational Agriculture Instructor I am more than willing to help you, maybe, solve some of your gardening concerns and, maybe, assist you with better plants ... from rooting, germination and to fruit on the table and an admirable bloom to smile at.

PLEASE NOTE: Since you may not live my local area I cannot be responsible for your garden's success or success of raising plants from my seed or cuttings therefore, my legal and financial responsibility is limited to the COST of item(s) purchased from me.

Feel free to email me with any concern or questions you might have …since we can't do it over coffee … lets do it via email.