**This volume has a page at the rear that was for assigning the limited edition number and to have the publisher's signature, but this being a second printing, this page is present but does NOT have the signature or the number assigned.

About this book from the PREFACE: When I founded The Universal Coterie of Pipe Smokers (TUCOPS) in 1964, I envisioned a pipe smoker's club that would exist primarily via an international information exchange medium. This medium I chose to call The Pipe Smoker's  Ephemeris (TPSE), such appellation intending to signify the transitory nature of the journal's contents (up in smoke?). It was expected that readers would peruse and discard, as is done with most periodicals. Thus, the journal's ephemeral classification. It soon became apparent that many Coterians desired back-issues, and some, even a complete run of the Ephemeris. This volume, at last, attempts to accommodate this demand.

Obviously, this book is not the bibliophilic marvel that we should prefer. Considering the limited quantity and quality of many of the earlier issues, that were personally hand-cranked mimeograph copies, we are, indeed, fortunate that we can offer even this photographically reproduced volume. The real merit of this assemblage is probably its INDEX which, albeit our first attempt -and being in need of more work, will prove to be useful, particularly the collective listings such as: Carvers, pipe; Clubs, pipe smoking; Magazines, pipe/tobacco/smoking; Photographs; Poetry; Quotes, literary; Tobacco, brands/ blends; as well as the individual names of members, shops, firms, etc. And, in case you are wondering why two issues have the "11" series pagination, we goofed, but you actually do have a collection of the first twenty-three issues that were published!

Lastly, this bound volume of the Ephemeris is dedicated to all those who have contributed material (and, yes, money: to each issue of TPSE contained herein, and to all those who might enjoy reading or rereading, this material. And  some of these readers might even be pipe smokers:

Tom Dunn, College Point, New York

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