Look magazine America's family magazine May 27th, 1947, featuring California fashions. Governor Warren for president? Honeymoon vacation in the West. Cover has detached from the rest of the magazine. Please see pictures.

The Saturday Evening Post December 26 1959. 16 pages in color the life of Christ painted by Italian masters of the centuries and told with passages from the holy gospels. They saw the young child with Mary his mother and fell down and worshiped him.

Colliers magazine June 26 1943. I still believe in nonviolence by Mahatma Gandhi. Picture of Toni Frissell showing a baby his Medal of Honor.

Women’s Home Companion October 1942.  Ursula Parrott, Margarel E. Sangster and Stuart Cloete and a new novel of love, spies, danger by George F. Worts.

The World of Bob Hope

FDR 60th anniversary edition life commemorative edition The History Channel brings you this look back at one of America's most influential presidents 2005