The Disklabs Laptop Shield Faraday Bag (LS1) is a laptop sized (15inch laptop) bag designed to isolate all types of laptop up to 15 inch with wireless connectivity.

This Disklabs Limited Faraday Bag has been awarded the Police Approved "Secured by Design" award.

Disklabs Faraday Bags Block All Wireless Signals including WiFi, 5G, 4G, 3G, 2G, GPS, Bluetooth, Radio, NFC etc.

Tech Spec.

Dimensions w:46cm/ h:32cm (folded height)

Window No

Strap/Handle Yes Handle


Faraday bags ensure that devices are secure from any external interceptions, and prevent:
Remote wiping of the data - losing critical data in a case or tribunal.
Tracking the device - potentially putting your officers in jeopardy.
Bugging - by remotely using the devices microphone and/or camera.
Allowing officers immediate access to data on a device in a secure manner.
Operating the Laptop remotely via third party peer to peer software

Why Use Faraday Bags?

Stops the data on your laptop or device being remotely erased by the suspect or their allies.

Avoids the problem of the device becoming PIN / password locked by wireless hack.

Safely protect your data in transit.