The stanley schetromph memorial has been a long standing tradition for years at the famous hagerstown speedway....this 4 big dvd set is the features from 84 such big names as larry moore, mcvee, rodney franklin, john mason, steve palace, gary stuhler, peck, robinson, balzano, armel, bonebrake, and many others in this 75 lap 85 its bob pierce, moyer, rodney combs, john mason, larry moore, rodney franklin, jack boggs, bonebrake, robinson, pauschert, jeff purvis, gary stuhler, just to name a few as this 75 lap feature is has the original track annoucer and is loaded with 86 tom peck, steve palace, mcvee, jeff purvis, rodney franklin, combs, mason, balzano, gary stuhler, bonebrake, larry moore, just to name a few in the big 75 lap 88 such big names as mike balzano, franklin, mason, davey johnson, stuhler, bonebrake, giesler, robinson, are just a few of the names yu will here as honor the man that built the famous hagerstown speedway in these vintage dvds