Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta-Au

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“I HAVE MUCH MORE TO TELL YOU, but you cannot bear it now, but when He comes, The Spirit of Truth, He will guide you to ALL TRUTH.” John 16:12,13 “Beloved, we are God’s children now; but what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We know that when it is revealed we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” 1John 3:2“Now this is Eternal Life, that they should KNOW YOU, the only TRUE God, and the One whom You sent, Jesus Christ.” John 17:3 For “In Christ, God has made known to us the Mystery of His Will…as a plan to be realized at the fullness of to sum up all things in Christ, in Heaven and ON EARTH.” Ephesians 1:9,10 “FOR THE EARTH SHALL BE FILLED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD…” Isaiah 11:9 “For He must Reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet… …so that God may be ALL in all.” 1Corinthians 15:25,28Luisa received everything from the Lord in an orderly manner for her progressive formation, bringing her to the highest degree of human Sanctity by her living the heroic exercise of virtues (Volumes 1-10), and then bringing her to live a life of Divine Sanctity by her “living in the Divine Will” (Volumes 11-36) as Adam lived before he separated from God’s Will. In Volumes 1 to 10, Jesus prepares her for her mission as a victim soul. In Volume 11 He adds the mission of living in His Divine Will, as taught throughout all 36 Volumes. This served to first prepare and restore Luisa, and through her all humanity, to the order, place and purpose for which He created us, so that “HIS WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IN HEAVEN” Mt. 6:10. Behold THE SANCTIFYING FIAT that brings to completion the original PLAN OF GOD! Behold “ALL TRUTH!” John 16:13. Behold THE ESSENCE OF THIS BOOK!