The Bernie Gunther series by Philip Kerr is a gripping sequence of historical detective novels set primarily in Germany before, during, and after World War II. The series follows Bernie Gunther, a sardonic Berlin detective and private investigator, as he navigates the treacherous terrains of Nazi Germany, the Cold War, and various international intrigues. Kerr masterfully blends historical accuracy with complex mysteries, exploring the moral ambiguities of a turbulent era through the eyes of his cynical, yet morally upright protagonist.

1. March Violets 
2. The Pale Criminal 
3. A German Requiem 
4. The One from the Other
5. A Quiet Flame 
6. If the Dead Rise Not 
7. Field Gray 
8. Prague Fatale 
9. A Man Without Breath 
10. The Lady from Zagreb 
11. The Other Side of Silence
12. Prussian Blue 
13. Greeks Bearing Gifts 
14. Metropolis