For sale, Dandanator Mini 2.1, built to a high standard, fully tested and ready to go. The unit has had the modification required for it to work with a Multiply microSD device (see ... Note: Multiply is a separate device,  sellers of which can be found of Ebay.

The ZX Dandanator! Mini is a game cartridge for Spectrum computers.

It’s a hardware external memory (eeprom) peripheral that aims to be a platform for developing and releasing cartridge games and also serves as a Z80/SNA/TAP/Rom game snapshot loader.

It adds some extra functionality like a poke/trainer library, external test rom, 128k game loading, game compression, load screen freezing or Ramjet3 emulation. Its contents can be changed from the spectrum itself via Audio, Serial connection or using a Divide-like interface. Version 2 also includes a Kempston Joystick interface.

There is a basic API to configure and operate the board by sending commands from the Spectrum computer, making the ZX Dandanator! Mini a very flexible solution for several uses such as multiload game delivery or external interface hardware emulation (limited).


The official Dandanator site can be viewed here: